Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Magnetic Fishing

Magnetic fishing inside can take on the form of entertainment or learning.  It is a fun activity not only for the littlest child, thrilled with the magnetic magic; but, also for the older child struggling in school with basic math facts, trying to memorize something, learning sight words or vocabulary words, or has an interest in magnetism.

Go fishing inside! Make a fishing pole.  Use a stick or dowel rod  with a piece of  yarn, string or cording tied to one end.  Next, tie a magnet on the end of the "fishing line".  Paper clips attached to paper pictures or index cards can easily be "caught" with the magnet "hook".  A blue sheet, towel or throw rug make an excellent lake, river, ocean or any type body of water you desire.   Masking tape placed on the floor can add the excitement of fishing from a "boat".  Or, you can fish from the "shoreline" around the "water". 

"Fish" can be made from pictures cut out of magazines, old calendars, greeting cards, computer clip art, photographs etc.  They can be laminated or covered with clear contact paper for greater stability and longevity.  A paperclip added makes it "catchable".

You can also catch things other than fish.  Any picture will do...you could "catch" animals, flowers, shells, sea creatures, leaves, action figures or people in the family.  You can use pictures of whatever your child/family is interested in.

Catching family members (photos with a paper clip attached) would be a fun way to teach family relationships.  Example:  Auntie Sherie, Daddy's sister; Grandpa Joe, Mommy's Daddy, etc. 

Catching animals, flowers, etc. is a fun way of learning the differences and names of those things.  Example:  the different types of leaves (oak, maple, etc.) or flowers (tulip, rose, daisy, carnation, etc.).

The younger child can catch things that are all one color or one shape.  Fill your "water" with pictures of a variety of everyday items.  Then go fishing for only the red things or things that are square, etc.

Magnetic Fishing helps with eye- hand coordination and creates interest in scientific principles behind magnetism. 

Fishing for School-Age Children

Learning becomes a game when incorporated with the fishing pond.  This is an easy, fun way to practice math facts, sight words, vocabulary words or memorize poems, Bible Verses, etc.

The multiplication table or addition and subtraction facts are good choices.  Attach a paper clip to flashcards and throw them into the "water".  Then, go "fishing".  

Procedure:  Catch a problem, solve the equation, then check your answer.  If you get it wrong, throw the fish (flashcard) back in the lake to catch another time.  If correct, you get to keep your catch!  Go "fishing" until you have gone through all the flashcards or have "fished" for a certain amount of time.

Make flashcards for sight words or vocabulary words and play with the same procedure.

Memorizing a poem or Bible verse is much easier when you fish for the right words.  Begin with the entire verse or poem written on a notecard.  Catch the card, then say what is written on the card.  Practice it without looking and throw the card back in.   Progress up to writing one line or one word on separate notecards.  Then fish for the poem or verse in order.  Put them all together and say your memorized selection.  Practice until you can say it completely from your memory.

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