Friday, August 18, 2017

Our Creating Magical Moments blog has moved to a new, exciting location!  Please visit us on our new website below to find quick, easy activities for you and your children to share!

Plus... lots more!   see you there!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Back to school! Let the learning begin!

Back to school!  Let the learning begin!
Parents can help reinforce classroom learning through fun, exciting games at home
 in ways that kids will never even know they are still learning!
For your new reader, here are a few ideas to practice sight words:

1.  Hide and Seek   
Using Post-It Notes,  cardboard, construction paper, deck of cards or  note cards, write one letter of the sight word you would like to learn in marker, crayon or pen in large block letters in the center of each piece.  You can add the small letter under each capital letter, if desired.   Practice the word in a chant or song before you begin.  "T-H-E spells THE!"  You can even clap to each letter as you point to the corresponding letter.  Incorporating body action with memorization helps memory retention. 
Then, let the word play hide and seek with your young reader.  Who knows where the word might be found!  Sitting on the bathroom or kitchen sink, in a window ledge, stuck to the refrigerator door, on a dinner plate, on top of a bedroom pillow, in a doorway, etc.  Let your imagination go!  As your child finds the word, help fill the discovery with excitement and cheering along with practice of the word... T-H-E spells THE!   Prompt your child, "Where do you think "the" will go next? We better keep an eye out for him!"   Move the word around to different spots until your child recognizes the word quickly and easily.  It will be so exciting to see the accomplishment and pleasure your child will develop as they learn new words.
 After the child has learned the word, have the word appear in a stack of cards.  Let the child place the letters in the correct order.  Repeat, T-H-E- spells THE!   Continue with the same process for other words.


For the next three games you will need to make a set of flashcards.  Using the sight word list from your child's class, create an individual card for each sight word.  Write each letter in large block letters in the center of each card using a dark color.  You can also create sight word cards on the computer (as seen in the pictures below.)  Cards can easily be created with a package of note cards , card stock paper or a deck of cards.
2.  Fishing for Sight Words
This game requires a little more preparation on your part, but can be adapted to so many different activities, it will be worth the time!  (See Magnetic Fishing post from June 12, 2012)
You will need:
-A stick or rod with a string/cord tied to one end.  The string should be long enough so that when your child holds the stick about waist level the magnet on the end of the stick should be able to reach the ground to "catch" fish.
-A magnet that can be tied to the bottom of the string.  This is your "hook".
-"Fish"   In this case, it will be sight words.  You can use the list from your child's teacher to add one word on each "fish".  You can make fish shaped cards or use note cards, or colored paper.  Place a paper clip to the end of each card.
A fun thing to do is use a blue towel or rug for your fishing "pond".  This defines the area of play.  But, it  is not necessary to play this game.  In the pictures below we just played on the storeroom floor, just to see how it would work... It worked great by the way!  Kids aren't fussy, if the cooperating adult presents the attitude of fun, exploration and adventure!
As you "catch" fish practice the word on the card.  If the child gets the word correct,  they get to keep their fish.  If they do not know the word, practice the word with them.  ex.  S-H-E spells she.  Point out letter and letter pair sounds.  ex.  S-H-E  the SH says shhhh.  These words are released back into the fishing pond to be caught again.  Play until all the fish are caught and can be kept.  Start with just a few words and work up to all the sight words in the pond. 

3.  Flashlight Tag
Kids love flashlights!  So, why not use them to learn.  In this game you are still using the sight word flashcards.  No paperclip is needed on the cards, but can remain on the card if you have created them for magnetic fishing.  Spread the cards on the floor in a designated area.  Turn off the lights.  Turn on a flashlight and let your child "tag" a word.  If they read the word correctly, they get to keep the card.  If not, practice and move on to another card.  Continue until the floor is picked up!  Meaning they have correctly read each word in the game.  What a sense of accomplishment they will have! 
And while you have the flashlight turned on, don't forget to make designs on the walls or ceiling with the light beam.  Turn on a flashlight yourself and join in the fun creating a light dance show!


4.  Flashcards
Use your flashcards like a deck of regular cards.  Hold them in your hand with the words facing you and fanned out.  Let your child take turns picking a card.  Have them read the card they picked.  If correct,  they get to keep the card.  If  the child gets the word incorrect, help them decipher the word.  Spell it out.  ex.    T-H-E-Y spells "they".  Then, use the word in a sentence.  Add the card back into your hand to try again.  When your hand is empty and your child's hand if full, the game is over.  Begin with just a few cards and add as they learn more words. 
An old deck of cards can easily be transformed into a set of sight words (or even math problems!)  Or, pick up a deck of cards with a fun picture on the back.  A picture of something that is of interest to your child.

5.  Search and Find
Use your flashcards to randomly select one word.  Then start searching. 
1.  You can use a magazine or newspaper to let your child search for the chosen word for the day.  Give them a bright colored crayon, marker or pen and let them circle the word each time they find it in the text.  A variation?  set the timer for a few minutes.  When it goes off, count how many of the sight words were found.  Use a different color for different words.
2.  During reading time have your child look for the sight word they are working on that day.  It could be the word that mysteriously keeps appearing throughout the house.  Read a page and then search for the sight word you are working on.
Keep track of the sight words you have learned.  Add the words to a master chart that is hanging someplace that can be seen every day.  As the list grows, watch your child's confidence grow as well!  Pretty soon you will have a child that is reading with confidence and speed!  And, a good reader is more successful in life!
Happy Reading!

Friday, May 19, 2017

MoreThan a Piece of Chalk

Chalk... a stick of originally white porous sedimentary carbonate rock.  A form of limestone composed of the mineral calcite.  It gets on our fingers and clothes and now , a popular children's "toy" available in a rainbow of colors for children to play with each summer.

Such a scientific description for a whole lot of potential FUN!

A piece of chalk.  Nothing fancy or complicated.  However, a single piece of chalk can open a large variety of play opportunities for children that can provide hours of fun, laughter and even learning!  Add a few pieces of colored chalk and the opportunities burst open with unlimited possibilities!

Remember, PLAY is a child's work.  It is how they learn.          It helps them grow physically, mentally, socially,                      emotionally and cognitively. 

Here are a few ideas. 
  • Lay down on the cement and trace around your body.  Add facial features, hair, clothes, etc.
Best Friends - Photo by Hidden Splendor

  • Using only dots, draw a simple outline of a familiar object (tree, house, flower, car, etc.) .  Let the kids connect the dots to find out the resulting picture.
  • Free draw pictures.
  • Draw ovals on the sidewalk and let children fill in the "heads" with eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, etc.
  • Trace around objects found in the yard.  Examples:  leaves, flowers, sticks, rocks, etc.
  • Become part of a picture.  Then take a photo of people becoming part of the total design.
"Up, Up and Away"   Hidden Splendor
  • Traditional Hopscotch- With chalk, draw a hopscotch board on the sidewalk.  One color can be used or a combination.  Let your imagination go wild!  (Hopscotch can be created inside using the blue painters masking tape on the floor or carpet.  Remove the tape when you are finished playing.)  Players take turns tossing a marker onto a numbered square.  Where it lands is where you hop to.  Numbers( 2,3), (5,6), (8,9) use both feet down on the ground at the same time.  All other squares use just one hopping foot.  Markers can be a favorite stone, bean bag, rolled up sock, a small chain, etc. 
created by Hidden Splendor
  • Put a twist on the normal hopscotch.  Make the jumping design into a snail.  
  • Idea:  Bean bags can be created using old shoulder pads sewn together and filled with beans or rice. 
  • Shoulder pad, bean bags created by Hidden Splendor

Snail Hop Scotch - photo by Hidden Splendor
  • Another twist to hopscotch:  Perform the action listed on where the marker lands.                    Ideas:  twirl, touch your toes, roar and stomp, meow like a cat, bark like a dog and "wag" your tail, smile standing on one foot, hop like a rabbit, etc. 

Hop Scotch Action Adventure - Photo by Hidden Splendor

Walk of Action - photo by Hidden Splendor

Meow like a Cat - photo by Hidden Splendor
Roar & Stomp - photo by Hidden Spendor

Touch Your Toes - photo by Hidden Splendor

Land and Twirl - photo by Hidden Splendor

  • Create a scavenger hunt.  Look for common items found wherever you are playing.  This helps children become more observant.  And who doesn't like a scavenger hunt?

Can you Find? Scavenger Hunt - photo by Hidden Splendor

  • Research animal footprints.  Make trails on the sidewalk or driveway.  Have fun following the trails.  Act like the animal you are "following".

  • Draw a four square game.    All you need is four squares drawn and a large ball.  ( You can make a four square court inside with masking tape.  Remember to remove the tape when you are finished playing.  My boys left home over ten years ago.  We didn't remove the four square tape in the store room.  It will be on the floor forever.  yikes!  Nice memories however!           To learn the rules to play Four Square visit this site:
created by Hidden Splendor
  • Create a rainbow!
  • Draw lily pads and jump across the "pond" by only standing on the lily pads.  You can do this by making stepping stones across a river as well.  What other ideas do you have?
  • Draw what you see around you - in front of you, behind, above, etc.
  • Leave a message for .... ?   someone coming home, the postal carrier, etc.
  • Create a large maze and drive through the maze with bikes/tricycles, hot wheels, or walk on foot.
  • Trace different shapes from patterns pre-made with card board ( cereal or food box fronts make great card board to create patterns.)
  • Play Tic Tac Toe - for directions visit this site:
  • Recreate your neighborhood.  Draw your house, your street, your neighbor's houses, grocery store, parks, etc.  Then using toy cars, take a drive around the neighborhood.  This is a great way to familiarize a child with their community and may be of assistance if they get lost.
  • Practice writing numbers or the alphabet.

Don't stop now that the list is finished!  What ideas can you think of?

Let the creativity continue!

Friday, February 10, 2017

I Want it My Way! A Party Pleasing Entree


I want it my way...


The guest list was full and the kitchen would be packed.  Everyone had an opinion on the type of pizza they wanted for this momentous occasion of my grand daughter's first birthday.  Thick crust, thin crust, original crust... pepperoni, extra cheese, olives, green peppers, Canadian bacon, anchovies??? Really?  The list went on and on. What was a hostess to do? 
And then an idea began to form.  Wouldn't it be fun if everyone made their own pizza?  Games at a one year olds birthday party was not the most appropriate.  This would be an activity that all ages could enjoy and help engage the guests.  It promoted interaction and communication between both sides of the family and was filled with excitement and laughter.  Repeatedly guests remarked on how much fun they had making their pizzas. 
The first tray of personalized pizzas head to the oven.

1.  A pizza base is needed.  This can be done several ways.
     a.  create a pizza crust and add a desired sauce. 
         1.  homemade crust and sauce
         2.  refrigerated pizza crust or already prepared pizza crust
         3.  manufactured sauce from a jar
     b.  purchase a fresh cheese pizza from your grocery deli

2.  Decide what toppings you would like to offer.  Here are some examples:
     ham, bacon, Canadian bacon, sausage, hamburger, mushrooms, olives, green peppers, pineapple,
    spinach, broccoli &/or cauliflower, extra shredded cheese (mozzarella, parmesan, Mexican blend,
    Place toppings in individual bowls and arrange them in a buffet like manner.

3.  Using pizza crust that has been prepared with sauce and cheese, cut into pie shaped wedges or in
     a  "party cut", which results  in more pieces.  "Party cut" is cut in rows like a tic-tack-toe pattern.
    The pieces will be uneven in size providing a variety for every size appetite.

4.  Guests enter the buffet line choosing the size of pizza they desire. They add the toppings they
    want and then place their piece on a baking sheet. 

5.  When the baking sheet is full, pop it in the oven.

The guests had great fun fixing their own pizzas and waiting for it to bake.  When the freshly baked creations came out of the oven, announcements were made and people rushed to grab their own personalized pizza.  They went back for seconds and thirds and had so much fun creating a different version each time.

One person needs to be designated as the" oven mister".  Coordination of the full baking pans going into the oven and being removed when golden brown will provide success to the activity.

This activity promises to be a crowd pleaser that produces many smiles and laughter!