Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Entertaining Shadows!


Entertaining Shadows


Sooooo big!

 Copy Me!  What do you see?

Dinner was done and I was cleaning up the kitchen.  Sounds of visiting and happiness filled the air.  And then, giggling and laughter swirled around me elevating to a level that just had to be investigated.  What did I find?  The end table lamp shade had been removed and a shadow show was in progress.  Aunties can be so much fun! 

Animals appeared and "copy me" games transpired. They ended up rolling on the floor in laughter and hugs. Such great memories and so much fun happened as our "dessert" for the evening. More than our stomachs were filled that night. 

Alternative Ideas:

Put your hand in front of a flashlight beam or lamp without a shade to make shadows on the wall or ceiling. 
  • Animal Shadows
A fist with two fingers held up straight can be a hopping bunny. 
Movement of your thumb snapped up to your fingers becomes a crocodile. 
Fingers interlaced become flying birds.
What other animals can you create?

  •  Shadow Object Guessing Game
Hold up different ojects and guess what it is!  Move the object closer to the light and then farther away from the light to make the object bigger and smaller. 

How does the distance from the light change the shape of the shadow?

  • Silhouettes 
Tape a piece of paper onto the wall over your shadow.  Hold really still and have someone trace your silhouette!  Use black construction paper and white chalk to outline your shadow for a black silhouette.  Or, use white paper, trace your shadow and then color it in with your hair color, etc.  Cut out your silhouette and glue it onto a piece of  construction paper in your favorite color.  Don't forget to sign and date your masterpiece!
· Have a shadow puppet show 

Animals or paper shapes (made out of cardboard or construction paper) glued to Popsicle sticks  or straws held in front of a flashlight beam makes shadows on the wall. Make up a story as you go along or perform your favorite story book.
Shadows are a quick, easy, inexpensive was to create some magical fun moments with your family!
When it gets dark tonight, why not give it a try?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Leaf Fun!


Raking Leaves Becomes a Family Affair Full of Fun!

Raking leaves does not have to be a dreaded activity!  Kids love to help with family chores. 
Provide each child with a child size rake and let the fun begin!
Who can make the biggest pile in five minutes? 
Who can find the prettiest leaves to rake? 
Section off the yard and see who gets their section raked first.  Then count to three and take a flying leap into your pile of leaves.  This is the best part of raking leaves... jumping and playing in the pile! 
Have a leaf tossing "fight". 
Make it rain leaves. 
Stuff white trash bags until full and round.  Then decorate the outside of the bags. Why not make a catepillar for your yard?  Can you think of other things to make with your "leaf balls"?
Playing in leaves is an open-ended activity for all ages. Play for a few minutes or for hours!
The choice is yours. No matter how long or how old you are,
Fall leaf play is sure to provide lots of smiles, laughs and fun!
Follow up the outside fun with a round of hot cocoa or hot cider.

Other leaf ideas...

Save the prettiest leaves out of the piles to create pictures with them inside. 
Or, press your leaves between newspaper or in an old magazine. 
When dry, glue leaves onto poster board, then cover with clear contact paper to make Fall place mats.


Personalized Turkey Print

Turkey Hand Print

Each year when my kids were little we would make a hand print turkey.   The boys would write their name under their creation and we would add the date.  These fine feathered fowl would be transformed into a holiday greeting card and away it would travel over the miles to brighten the face of their Granny.  Granny saved these cards for years creating a flock of turkeys of varying sizes on her refrigerator door.  We didn't plan it, but it turned out to be a wonderful way to watch and remember the growth of our children. 
This week I plan on pulling out the paper, markers and maybe even paint or ink pads
 to continue the tradition onto the next generation of children in our family. 
I foresee a flock of turkeys being created to decorate my refrigerator!
Traditions are a wonderful component of building strong families.  Spending time together, interacting, laughing and communicating helps cement the bonds of family relationships.
Why not add turkey hand prints to your family traditions?
Supplies Needed:
Paper - size and color are your choice
Markers if you want to trace your hand print
Finger paint or ink pads if you want to stamp your hand print
Crayons or markers to add  a turkey beak, feet, wattle etc.
Trace or imprint your hand print onto a piece of paper with your fingers spread out  wide.  The fingers become the turkey's feathers.  Your thumb is the turkey neck and head.  Use a thumb print for the turkey wattle.  Or, use markers/crayons to add the feet, eye, wattle, feather colors, etc. 
Variations to try:

Thumbprint Turkey

Thumbprint turkeys . . . Cute Kids craft! Would be cute place cards

Hand/Foot Print Turkey

Turkeys should be allowed to be any color, depending on your child's preference. 
In reality, they DO show a rainbow of colors in the wild when sunlight hits their feathers! 
When my oldest son was in kindergarten, the teacher refused to hang up his turkey because he colored it "wrong".  He had made a beautiful purple turkey with green legs.  His self esteem took a big hit that day, when he was not included with the rest of his class.  So, no matter what color your child interprets their turkey to be, hang it up with pride and joy.  Let their creativity be expressed in any form they wish to take.  Let them think "out of the box" and enjoy the fruits of their efforts!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Leaf Person/Family

Fall is the perfect time to explore the beautiful, bountiful treasures of nature.       

Give each child a bag to pick up their favorite Fall treasures, then head outdoors to explore.  After your expedition, come inside and have a show and tell of what each person found.  This is a great time to share feelings and thoughts about why each person chose their items.  You will discover the inner thoughts and some of your child's values, too.
There are many things you can do with the natural items that you found.
But, one idea is to make pictures of leaf people.

Leaf people

Sort through your bag of treasures. 

Lay out the items in piles of different sizes, shapes, textures and colors.  

Plan your design.

Arrange leaves onto a piece of paper of your choice into people shapes.

You can also use your natural materials to make objects around your people: sun, trees, grass...

Glue on your design.

  Markers, construction paper or foam pieces can be used to make eyes, nose and mouth.

Have your child make a picture of the whole family using leaves and outdoor treasures. 
Don't forget the family pets in your creation.
Be sure to have your child sign and date this creation!